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Ayurveda- Boom in today's stressful life


Ayurveda-Boom in today’s stressful life

Weight loss management, skin treatment, hair treatment, ozone, rejuvenating SPA

Wait, Wait, Wait what you are mulling on. Yes it’s all possible now.

Various centres have thronged in metropolitans. So folks here I present my views.
Well to start with India is the oldest civilization which introduced various herbs. Some of them have medicinal value while some are being used in Indian kitchens that further enhance the nutritional value of our food. But little did we know the benefits of using these herbs in our daily lives.

To my curiosity, I visited few ayurvedic clinics to see how they treat people & I was flabbergasted to found that Ayurveda treat diseases in holistic way which means they eradicate the main source of the ailment rather than working on the disease.
Ayurveda, having its roots in Vedas, which means the science of life.(Ayur-Life & Veda-Science) is built upon basic principle of human body comprising of three types of energies that governs the functioning of our body :-
Vata – Refers to wind
Pitta- Refers to fire
Kapha-Refers to Earth

A proper balance between three energies makes for a healthy body. However any kind of misbalance between these three energies becomes the root cause of various diseases. I couldn’t limit myself to just knowing the meaning of this Vedic Science. Hence, the stimulus to learn more about this Vedic science & how they cure different diseases. Here are some of the herbs that can be used in our daily lives:-

1.  Basil (Tulsi) - revered as sacred plant in India, Tulsi enhances immunity of the body through its anti-microbial characteristics. It is said consuming one leaf of tulsi daily removes toxins from your body. The concoction of tulsi is said to provide relief from fever & nausea. Tulsi tea provides great relief from cough & congestion. It is also known as a stress reliever
2.  Neem Termed as blood purifier, the benefits of neem are not hidden from the world. Neem is often recommended to people having skin problems (acne, pimples). It is well known among ayurvedic practitioners due to its anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal properties. Neem oil promotes lustrous locks. Watery extract, basically a tea made from need leaves, is used to prevent hair loss.
3.  Aloe Vera- Well, what to say for this wonderful plant. Nature has bestowed blessings to the mankind in the form of various plants, herbs & Aloe Vera is one of those plants. Consumed as a paste, juice, gel, aloe vera is an incredible medicinal plant used worldwide owing to its benefits. It helps to revitalize the skin by fighting signs of ageing & helps to remove dead cells. It is used by various beauticians as face & hair masks. Aloe Vera juice is useful for removing waste from the body as it is full of amino acid, vitamins & minerals. Regular consumption of aloe vera also improves oral health & hygiene thereby reducing gingivitis & plaque formation.
4.   Amla- Rich in Vitamin C, Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a natural tonic for eyes.It aids digestion. It is said that daily consumption of amla reduces constipation as it is rich in fibers & laxatives.Amla juice is also used to heal mouth ulcers. Daily consumption of an amla boosts your immunity due to its high concentration of vitamin C.Rich in anti-oxidants, it also helpful in fighting the signs of ageing, wrinkles & fine lines. Ayurveda places great significance on amla in preventing hair loss. It also controls pre mature greying of hair.
5.   Triphala –A traditional ayurvedic medicine, helpful in detoxifies body & improving digestion, is a combination of three fruits (Bibhitaki, amla & haritaki). Hence the world triphala.Consumed in powdered or dried form, triphala stimulate & improve healthy blood circulation by increasing the cardio movements in the capillary.

Ayurveda has started making its presence felt even in western countries. Now more & more westerners are eyeing on this Vedic science to cure their illness. Kerela has emerged as a destination for medical tourism mainly for its ayurvedic packages.

To sum it up, go back to our roots. Our ancestors had solutions to every problem. We often hear our elders saying- “Serve him/her tulsi tea if suffering from fever”, “Apply gulab water as it keeps your skin hydrated & gives your glowing complexion” & the list goes on. So go on & look for various options available in our kitchens.
